Squabblefest is now a book!
The Opposite of COMBAT bridges the disciplines of child development and parent education with mediation, bringing parents and caregivers the knowledge and skills necessary to help children of all ages navigate their own conflicts, collaborate to solve their own problems, deepen their sibling relationships, and develop trust and confidence in their decision-making abilities.
The Opposite of COMBAT is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Good Media Press.

I’m Susan North, and I help parents understand and manage sibling conflict. I’m on a mission to help families escape the torment of Squabblefest, and I’d like to help you. Imagine using the tools that mediators employ to assist your kids in managing their own conflicts! I invite you to read my book, explore this website, find out about my programs, and envision what it would be like to finally get a handle on your kids’ day-to-day conflicts.